We invite you to embark on a visual journey showcasing our
organization's incredible work in translating and promoting Bible and literary texts across
different cultures
Render 3 Release Workshop
Mwenyi Establishment trip
Fungwe establishment trip
The Chairperson (BiLTA) at Indonesia OBT Conference
Fr. Katete Jackson Jones, on the right
Indonesia OTB Conference
Indonesia OBT Conference
Group Photo
Goma Daniel Green
Narrative Discourse Analysis facilitation, Kenya Discourse Analysis Workshop - 2023
Pastors in Mfuwe
These are Pastors in Mfuwe during the Kunda Bible Translation Project establishment in 2023.
BiLTA Executive members at Mfuwe KBT Project
With the Executive Secretary in the middle, on the right is the Executive Chairperson with the Executive Treasurer on the left.
Bertha Chilembo and colleagues in Nigeria at the Workshop for Render 3
Bertha Chilembo with fellow Lead Trainers at the Render 3 Release workshop in Nigeria. The workshop was intended to make OBT Trainers updated with new features of the new version of Render.
The Vice Chairperson (BiLTA) with the Management Team in Western Province, Mwenyi Project
Mwenyi Project Establishment Trip
Susan Mbuzi
One of the first OBT Translators for the Senga Project
Indonesia OBT Conference
Fr. Katete Jackson Jones, BiLTA Chairperson second from right with others at OBT Conference in Indonesia.
Fungwe established trip
Our newly recruited members of staff and the team from the National Office pose for photos today 26th September, 2023 at Chief Mwenechifungwe palace of Mafinga district in Muchinga Province.